Sunday, December 27, 2009

Twins Update

Allison here--well I made it through Christmas! I had serious doubts that the boys would hold off long enough for me to enjoy Christmas with my family but they did. In fact, I will be 37 weeks on Tuesday and the babies seem to be incubating quite well. So well that they each weigh 6 pounds as of last week! I am seriously carrying around 12+ pounds of baby plus 2 sacks and 2 placentas!!! Uncomfortable, yes, but I am so grateful that the boys are big, healthy and strong. I really have no idea when they will make their grand entrance but I am scheduled for a c-section on January 6th if they don't come before then. In the meantime I am trying to take it easy, rest as much as possible, and enjoy the final moments we have as a family of 3!


LuLaRoeMeg said...

WOW!!!!!! January 6th is so soon if they're not here even sooner!! Can't wait to meet them!