Sunday, December 13, 2009

Such a Big Boy!

The sad sad picture at the top of our blog was taken 2 years ago when Jack visited Santa at the Macy's in Chicago. It obviously was not a good experience. Last year Jack was more interested in Santa but refused to sit on his lap. He would wave at Santa when he saw him and was excited for Christmas but the idea of actually interacting with him was too much. Needless to say, Mommy was convinced that she had ruined the magic of Santa for Jack forever.

This year, however, Jack was very excited to see Santa. Daddy and Mommy really thought he would change his mind at the last minute, but instead he marched right up to Santa, sat on his lap, and got down to business. He told him everything he wanted for Christmas (a croquet set and a dinosaur gumball machine) and then proceeded to tell Santa that he was also getting 2 baby brothers :)By the way, it really is amazing to see how much older Jack is from the picture at the top. When did my little baby get replaced by this sweet little boy??!!