Saturday, January 17, 2009

Let's Hope Its Just a Phase!

Its been 5 days since our sweet little son has taken a nap! He is so tired but the second I leave his room, the party begins. We're talking singing, dancing, head stands, downward facing dogs, blowing raspberries, etc. He has even resorted to pulling up his sheet and mattress pad and wrapping himself in it like a Jack Burrito! We've tried everything to resolve this--taking his blankies away, offering lollipops if he goes to sleep, moving his nap time later but nothing seems to work. He is so tired by early evening that he has started falling asleep in the car (which he NEVER does!) and we are forced to put him to bed at 6:30pm!!!

Mommy can relax or get anything done during "nap time" because she is too worried about him going to sleep or rescuing him from the disaster he has created in his crib. This is just a phase, right? RIGHT??!!!


LuLaRoeMeg said...

I sure hope so! One of my play group buddies just sent some statistics that are in your favor (saying that MOST kids nap 5 day/week until age 4). I hope this phase passes for you soon!