Jack asked Santa for a croquet set for Christmas and was stoked when he saw it under the tree on Christmas morning. For some reason he has been talking about playing croquet for months so the excitement was killing him. Unfortunately the ground was wet for days after Christmas so Jack wasn't able to break out the new set until yesterday afternoon. As soon as he got home from school Jack and Daddy headed out to the front yard for a friendly (and cold) game.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
What Did You Ask Santa For?
Posted by Allison at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Jack recently became obsessed with Alvin and the Chipmunks. It all started a few weeks ago when Mommy thought she was being nice by "dvr'ing" the movie for Jack. It, however, came back to bite her in the you-know-what because Jack insisted on watching the movie EVERY day for 3 weeks straight. He became especially obsessed with the farting scene and required anyone in watching distance to focus on the television when the scene approached. Ahh, boys!!
Daddy has been wanting to take Jack to the movie theater for some time so when we realized that "Alvin and the Chipmunks-The Squekquel" opened in the theaters at Christmas we decided to sacrifice our sanity and take him. Nana and Papa came along for the experience and to say that Jack was excited would be a gross understatement. He jumped up and down at the posters outside and when we walked in the theater, we were greeted by the Chipmunks themselves!!!We really didn't know how well Jack would behave at the movie but he was instantly mesmerized. When the movie started the 20th Century Fox logo appeared on the screen. Jack became so excited that he yelled, "The 2 and the 0! YES!! Just like my movie at home!!" It was so cute. From that moment on he stared at the screen in awe and didn't move a muscle :)
Posted by Allison at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Twins Update
Allison here--well I made it through Christmas! I had serious doubts that the boys would hold off long enough for me to enjoy Christmas with my family but they did. In fact, I will be 37 weeks on Tuesday and the babies seem to be incubating quite well. So well that they each weigh 6 pounds as of last week! I am seriously carrying around 12+ pounds of baby plus 2 sacks and 2 placentas!!! Uncomfortable, yes, but I am so grateful that the boys are big, healthy and strong. I really have no idea when they will make their grand entrance but I am scheduled for a c-section on January 6th if they don't come before then. In the meantime I am trying to take it easy, rest as much as possible, and enjoy the final moments we have as a family of 3!
Posted by Allison at 7:55 PM 1 comments
One Final Christmas
Grandma Gail and her fiance Steve joined us for Christmas dinner and Jack was so happy to see them. Steve is recovering from quintuple bypass surgery (did you even know they could do that??!!) but Jack refused to go easy on him. Gentle has a different meaning to 3 year old boys!Jack loves them :)
They gave Jack a tool bench with lots of very loud tools like a drill and screwdriver. Of course no tool set would be complete without goggles!
Posted by Allison at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Christmas Morning
Christmas morning was so fun in our house and Jack was beyond excited. He woke up at 6am and came running into our room saying, "I think Santa came! I think Santa came!" We managed to get him back in bed and he even went back to sleep until 7:15 at which time he came back in our room and told us again that he thought Santa had come and that he drank the chocolate milk!
Jack then ran to the office/library/2nd guest room to wake Aunt Tricia and Uncle Dwayne. Needless to say, Uncle Dwayne was none too excited about the early time!As we headed downstairs and into the living room, Jack could hardly contain his excitement!
He immediately ran to check out his loot from Santa and was quite happy to see the croquet set he asked for. Too bad the ground is so freaking wet that we haven't been able to try it out yet!
Jack got Buzz and Woody dolls that talk and each says 50 sayings. Jack is in love :)
Jack also got Gator Golf which he insisted on playing as soon as we finished opening presents.
Posted by Allison at 7:11 PM 0 comments
Merry Christmas Eve
Not knowing when Will and Henry will grace us with their presence, we decided to spend Christmas here this year and it was so nice to be home and not traveling. Here is our family picture in front of the tree before church on Christmas Eve. Jack was singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" complete with hand gestures he learned at school.Nana and Papa were here too!
After church Grandma and Grandpa came over for dinner and presents!
Posted by Allison at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas Program!
Last week was Jack's Christmas program at school and it was so incredibly cute. Jack practiced for weeks and talked constantly about going up on the stage. He even invited Mommy to join him :) The show was held in the sanctuary of the church attached to Jack's school which is more like an auditorium. We thought Jack would freeze on stage and not perform but he proved us wrong!
Posted by Allison at 4:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 17, 2009
New Blog Name
So, I need your help! We are having a difficult time coming up with a new blog title. With 2 new additions imminent it won't be "just Jack" much longer. Many of the names we have already come up with are already taken and my "pregnancy brain" seems to be in overdrive, meaning I am working at very diminished mental capacity ;) Apparently 2 babies suck twice as much intelligence from you! Anyhoo, any help and suggestions my loyal blog readers (all 2 of you!) could offer would be greatly appreciated!
Posted by Allison at 9:28 AM 2 comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
The Nursery
We are in full-on twin prep mode here in Casa Spillman. The duo could arrive anytime between now and the first week of January and to say that Mommy is nesting would be a serious understatement! We finally put the finishing touches on Will and Henry's nursery today and we are so pleased with how it turned out. Now all we need are 2 babies to fill it! (Just keep your fingers crossed that they wait until after Christmas!!!)
Posted by Allison at 8:40 PM 2 comments
Such a Big Boy!
The sad sad picture at the top of our blog was taken 2 years ago when Jack visited Santa at the Macy's in Chicago. It obviously was not a good experience. Last year Jack was more interested in Santa but refused to sit on his lap. He would wave at Santa when he saw him and was excited for Christmas but the idea of actually interacting with him was too much. Needless to say, Mommy was convinced that she had ruined the magic of Santa for Jack forever.
This year, however, Jack was very excited to see Santa. Daddy and Mommy really thought he would change his mind at the last minute, but instead he marched right up to Santa, sat on his lap, and got down to business. He told him everything he wanted for Christmas (a croquet set and a dinosaur gumball machine) and then proceeded to tell Santa that he was also getting 2 baby brothers :)By the way, it really is amazing to see how much older Jack is from the picture at the top. When did my little baby get replaced by this sweet little boy??!!
Posted by Allison at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Uncle Dave!
We got the most unexpected and wonderful surprise the week after Thanksgiving. Uncle Dave managed to come home for few days from Dubai and Jack was so excited to see him. It had been almost 9 months and both of them have changed A LOT! Jack is, of course, much bigger and Dave, well, he has much less hair! Instead of going bald like Jack's Papa, Uncle Dave decided to shave his head!!!
We had such a great time with Uncle Dave and can't wait for him to come visit again, or even better move back!We took Jack bowling for the first time while Dave was here. Nana and Papa even came along!
Jack loved bowling and even managed a spare!
Posted by Allison at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 6, 2009
O Christmas Tree
It is so much fun to see Christmas through the eyes of a three year old. There is something so magical about it and Jack really seems to find joy in the smallest things. When we are in the car and we drive past a house with Christmas lights, he gets so excited and starts cheering. He is obsessed with his Advent house and always asks for us to put Christmas music on the radio.
Jack couldn't wait to go pick out a Christmas tree and decorate it. Of course, the CavMan ornament had to be the first on the tree while Jack chanted "U-V-A, Go Hoos Go!" It turned out that Jack was much better at dictating where to put ornaments than putting them on himself but he had a great time!
Posted by Allison at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Lite Brite!
Jack found Mommy's old Lite Brite and convinced Daddy to do it with him. After a lot of patience, this was the final product :)
Posted by Allison at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Aunts and Uncles Galore!
The hardest part about moving away from Chicago in February was leaving our amazing friends (and Jack's aunts and uncles). We have been very fortunate to maintain those friendships across many miles and a few weeks ago our friends came to Chicago for a visit and a football game.
Jack loved hanging out with Brendan, even if he was rooting for BC.Alison is one of Jack's favorite people and he can't wait until she marries Brendan next year!
Matt and Meghan have always held a special place in Jack's heart. When their baby boy arrives in February, Jack will have a lifelong playmate!
Tim and Olivia just got married this past summer but Jack wanted to make sure that they didn't get a picture with just themselves!
Our whole gang before the game, including Nana and Papa. We are so thankful that our friends are willing to come visit us and we can't wait until they come again (or until we make it back to Chicago!).
Posted by Allison at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Handy Manny Daddy
In preparation for the upcoming arrival of the Atachoochie Boys (who, by the way, have names now--Will and Henry!) Daddy installed hardwood floors in the entire downstairs of our house. He worked so hard and the outcome was AMAZING! Jack gave Daddy a new nickname when he was sawing and wearing his goggles--Handy Manny Daddy!
Posted by Allison at 8:56 PM 1 comments
A Robot?
Jack donned this special outfit the other day and declared himself a robot. A pullup (outside his clothes), a life jacket, swim goggles (not shown) and a box on his head obviously makes him a robot :)
Posted by Allison at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Go Hoos Go!
We've been to several football games this year but have only managed one good family picture. We'll try again this Saturday!
Posted by Allison at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
Uncle Mark and Aunt Sarah
Uncle Mark and Aunt Sarah came to Charlottesville for Halloween weekend and for the UVA/Duke football game. Despite Mommy being on her death bed with a kidney stone (that's right, not only is she carrying around twins, but she suffered through a kidney stone for 4 days!) we had such a fantastic time catching up with our dear friends. Jack really adores Mark and Sarah and we can't wait for their bundle of joy to arrive in March so Jack and the boys will have a playmate!
Posted by Allison at 6:48 PM 0 comments
To Infinity and Beyond!
We spent Halloween this year in Charlottesville and Jack participated in the annual trick-or-treating on the Lawn at UVA. It was kind of surreal for Mommy and Daddy because when we were in college, we used to go to the lawn to see the adorable trick-or-treaters and talk about how some day we would bring our kids. It was definitely a full-circle moment.
Jack decided when were in Disney World in September that he wanted to be Buzz Lightyear for Halloween and he never wavered. He was decked out!Jack has been talking about trick-or-treating for months and would often practice on us at home. By the time it was actually Halloween, he was ready! He checked his bag every time to see what kind of loot he scooped!
The obligatory family pic in front of the Rotunda.
Posted by Allison at 6:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
Attempting to Pick Pumpkins
When we were in Asheville, we set out on a quest to pick pumpkins. We thought we found the perfect place online and we set off to Skytop Orchard. It was super busy and bitter cold but we ventured out. Unfortunately, Skytop Orchard's website was very misleading. Their "pumpkin patch" was actually just a dozen pumpkins scattered around the grounds and there were no signs telling patrons where to go or what to do.Needless to say, the kids quickly became bored and the parents became annoyed.
So, we set out to find our pumpkins somewhere else. Thanks to Mommy's handy blackberry we discovered Granddads. Jack and Palmer ran a muck amongst the pumpkins and eventually found the perfect ones!
Jack was very excited :)
Posted by Allison at 8:30 PM 0 comments
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Baby Hagen!
Jack became enamored with Baby Hagen and he really demonstrated what a great big brother he will make in a few short months. He shared his blankies with her and always wanted to go to her when she was in her bouncy seat to tickle her and make her laugh.He eventually asked to hold her and he couldn't take his eyes off of her. He was so compassionate and gentle and concerned over her all weekend and it truly made Mommy and Daddy excited to see him interact with his baby brothers.
This picture just cracks me up.
Posted by Allison at 8:15 PM 0 comments