Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Papa's Boat

Jack loves boats. Whenever we drive Dada to work we drive on Lakeshore Drive, right along Lake Michigan, and we pass all the marinas filled with boats. Jack insists on pointing out all the boats and then asks to go on Papa's boat. We keep telling him that he will get to go again in a few weeks but to a 2 year old that is an eternity.

Jack had a funny reaction to actually riding on the boat. Last summer he was really too little to realize what was going on and just became restless and bored. This year was a different story. When the boat wasn't moving, Jack loved exploring and sitting on everyone's laps (and yes he is sporting a pink and green Barbie life vest. It was the only one that fit!!!).

However, the moment the boat started moving, Jack became catatonic. He laid down on Mama's lap and didn't move or react to anything! He wasn't scared or overwhelmed, he was just completely relaxed. The child who NEVER falls asleep in the car fell asleep almost every time we were on the boat. We really need to take boat rides more often!!!!