Sunday, July 6, 2008


As I've mentioned before, yellow is Jack's favorite color, by far! He knows several other colors but for some reason he is over the moon about yellow. He points it out whenever he sees it, which is all the time considering most of the taxis in the city are yellow! Mommy and Daddy never really realized how many things in this world contain the color yellow until our little man made it his life long mission to point it out! Of course he had to get a yellow balloon at Trader Joe's . Mama thinks this picture could be used as an advertisement :)

Jack begged Mama and Dada all weekend for another yellow cookie so after his nap yesterday we headed back to the bakery. As we walked in, Jack started yelling "yellow yellow" and clapping his hands. There was almost a minor catastrophe when there were no yellow cookies in the case but luckily the yellow cupcake saved the day! (Notice the nice red scratch/bruise on Jack's forehead which resulted from Jack's head hitting the sidewalk before anything else when he tripped on 4th of July! Poor guy!)