Thursday, July 17, 2008

If Mama Did This, She Would Vomit!

Jack gets a real thrill out of spinning in circles until he falls over. He then gets up and tries to walk, inevitably running into walls and furniture. We've been trying to capture it on video for a while but Jack is so narcissistic that once he notices the camera, he just wants to see himself on it and stops doing whatever it is we are trying to document. That is why in the clip below you will repeatedly hear him say "Jack"--he is asking to watch himself!! He normally starts spinning when he gets really excited about something or is very happy. He often does it right in the middle of the park, when Dada comes home from work, or after he eats a yummy meal. Mama really wanted to show a clip from the movie Parenthood with Steve Martin to accompany our home video but I couldn't find the one I was looking for. For those of you who know the movie--you the know the scene where the kid puts a bucket on his head and repeatedly runs into the wall?? Mama and Dada are pretty sure that is what is next on Jack's "to do list"...