Jack can be so funny sometimes and its usually when we are trying to discipline him. This makes it very difficult for Mommy and Daddy to stay firm and not burst out laughing...
Yesterday evening Jack was super tired and really not listening to us at all. He refused to eat his dinner and instead opted to dance around the living room and do somersaults. Daddy put Jack in time out where Jack laughed at Daddy every time Daddy tried to explain why he was there. Finally Daddy threatened Jack with taking away his privileges such as television after dinner or stories before bed. Jack looked right at Daddy and when Daddy said, "Do you understand me?" Jack replied, "Aye Aye Captain!" and saluted him. Hilarious!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Comedic Timing
Posted by Allison at 10:43 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
What, do I have a booboo?
Jack is currently transitioning to a big boy bed and each night proves to be interesting, to say the least. He comes up with so many excuses to get out of bed: his finger hurts, he forgot a blankie, he likes Mommy's shirt, etc, etc. A few weeks ago he was quiet for a while and then got out of bed for some random reason. Daddy put him back into bed and as he was trying to cover Jack with his blanket, Jack told him that he couldn't cover him up because of his booboo. Chris didn't really think anything of it because Jack always says he has a booboo here or there. The next morning when we got him dressed and took off his pajama pants, this is what we found!Apparently he got out of bed, took off his pants, put every Dora bandaid he had in his room on his legs, put his pants back on and threw away the wrappers!!!
At least it wasn't as bad as 2 weeks ago when he woke up in the middle of the night and drank half a bottle of children's Motrin!! Luckily we didn't have to make a dash to the ER because according to Poison Control he would have had to drink 2 1/2 bottles to warrant a trip to the hospital!!! Ugh, I miss the crib and crib tent!!!!
Posted by Allison at 8:46 PM 1 comments
Jack has a thing for flashlights and is always asking to use one of ours. Of course when Mommy spotted this Halloween flashlight with switchable templates in the dollar section at Target (aren't those 2 rows such a blessing and a curse??!!) she couldn't resist getting it for Jack. He couldn't wait to go into the bathroom where it was dark to try it out!
Posted by Allison at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Fun Continued...
The moon bounce wasn't picked up until the day after the party so Jack made sure to take full advantage of it, despite the fact that it rained all night. Jack headed out in his Diego undies and pajama top and started jumping.Even Wrigley joined in on the fun!
Posted by Allison at 8:47 PM 0 comments
The Big 0-3!
So we're still getting caught up on blogging, but we're working on it! Now that we are back from our Disney vacation, we can fill you in!
Jack's 3rd birthday was at the end of August and we had quite the bash. Jack decided 6 months ago that he wanted a Mickey Mouse birthday party so that's what he had, complete with moon bounce and all! Of course it happened to be the HOTTEST day of the summer (seriously) but even Daddy got in on the action.Jack bounced for a good 45 minutes before his friends even arrived so when we tried to get his birthday picture before the party started, he was already super sweaty (but still super CUTE)!!!
One of the fun activities we planned was for the kids to paint Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse (it was actually a really cute cardboard playhouse we found at Costco but it fooled all of them). Jack, however, decided it would be more fun to hide inside the clubhouse and paint himself from head to toe LITERALLY!!!
Jack had so many friends at his party we were grateful for the playroom. All the girls in their sundresses were so adorable :)
It took a few attempts, but Jack eventually blew out the candle on his birthday cake!
Posted by Allison at 7:42 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
We're Starting a Baseball Team
Yep! That's right. Jack will be joined by 2 baby brothers in January. We are super excited and now comes all the fun stuff---picking out names, deciding on nursery decor, and all out planning.
Mommy did tell Daddy that this automatically entitles to her to an annual week-long girls trip!
Posted by Allison at 12:59 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Say What??!!
Tomorrow is a very big day because we find out if Jack is having 2 little brothers, 2 little sisters, or 1 of each! We are so excited!
We have been talking about the babies constantly with Jack and even though he doesn't really "get it" he seems to be really excited. He understands that there are 2 babies in Mommy's tummy and that he is going to be a big brother but he really has no idea how his world is about to be rocked! Hopefully he stays just as excited once they get here!
2 funny stories about Jack and the babies:
For the past few months we have been asking Jack what he would name the babies if one was a sister and one was a brother. He doesn't have a response for a brother but boy oh boy does he have a name picked out for a sister. The first time I asked him he responded "Atchachoochee". Say what?!?! I waited a few minutes and then twisted it around and asked him, "Who is Atchachoochee?" His response: "My baby sister!!!" Now every single time we ask him what he would name a sister he ALWAYS responds with the same answer--ATCHACHOOCHEE!!
The other night Daddy and I were getting Jack ready for bed. As we were putting his pajamas on him, he suddenly stopped and opened my mouth and looked inside. He then asked me why I swallowed the babies to put them in my tummy!!!! Daddy tried to explain that Mommy didn't swallow them, they were simply growing inside my tummy. Jack insisted that they only way they could be in my tummy was because I swallowed them and asked if he could swallow babies too! Ahh, I love his innocence!!!
Posted by Allison at 7:43 PM 1 comments