Thursday, November 13, 2008

Remember when...

your baby would sleep anywhere at any time? Man, do I miss those days!
Jack is normally a GREAT sleeper and has been on a very good schedule for over a year. He goes to bed at 7:30pm, sleeps until 7 or 7:30am without ever waking up, and then takes a 2 hour nap EVERY day at 1pm. Well apparently Jack has decided that he doesn't like that schedule anymore and he is doing everything in his power to change it. How do I know he doesn't like it? Well for starters, he says "I don't like it. I don't like bed" whenever we talk about going night-night. An even bigger indication is that he has REFUSED to take a nap all week, despite being extremely tired. His teachers at preschool told me that on both Monday and Wednesday he was dancing during nap time, playing with diapers on the changing table, hiding under his blankie, and trying to wake up the other sleeping kids in his class. He did this for 2 whole hours. On Tuesday, I put him in his crib at 1pm, just like every other day, but he played in there for 2 hours--doing somersaults, head stands, and jumping like a frog. Today he did the same thing for 2 hours and right before I was getting ready to go in and get him, he decided to fall asleep!!

Of course because he isn't getting all the sleep he needs, he is cranky and can't handle any situation that doesn't go his way. He threw a 15 minute fit the other night because Daddy had the audacity to try to take his coat off. Then the very next morning he threw another 15 minute fit because we were so brazen as to think that he should put his coat on! I'm telling you, I will be completely gray before my next birthday!!!


Rachel said...

oh al! those are the moments i don't know that i'll be able to handle. how do you not just slug the poor kid? that probably sounded awful especially coming from a teacher. :)

LuLaRoeMeg said...

I'm guessing it's just a phase. Cole has gone thru many like that... and I'd freak out thinking naps were over for good...Only to realize that 2 weeks later, things were totally back to normal.