Jack really loves his school and he is learning so much. On a daily basis I am amazed at what he is picking up and new concepts that he is grasping. He pretends all the time and his new favorite activities are pretending to walk on the moon and marching on beat throughout the house. He can even count to 8...sort of. We discovered that Jack really has something against multiples of 3. He counts like this---1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8. He NEVER EVER says 3 or 6. Its not that he can't say them, he just refuses. He also can't count higher than 8 so if he is counting something that has more than that, he counts like this---1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8. We were driving through a parking garage the other day and Jack decided to count the cars. I think he said "7, 8" approximately 100 times!!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Remember when...
your baby would sleep anywhere at any time? Man, do I miss those days!
Jack is normally a GREAT sleeper and has been on a very good schedule for over a year. He goes to bed at 7:30pm, sleeps until 7 or 7:30am without ever waking up, and then takes a 2 hour nap EVERY day at 1pm. Well apparently Jack has decided that he doesn't like that schedule anymore and he is doing everything in his power to change it. How do I know he doesn't like it? Well for starters, he says "I don't like it. I don't like bed" whenever we talk about going night-night. An even bigger indication is that he has REFUSED to take a nap all week, despite being extremely tired. His teachers at preschool told me that on both Monday and Wednesday he was dancing during nap time, playing with diapers on the changing table, hiding under his blankie, and trying to wake up the other sleeping kids in his class. He did this for 2 whole hours. On Tuesday, I put him in his crib at 1pm, just like every other day, but he played in there for 2 hours--doing somersaults, head stands, and jumping like a frog. Today he did the same thing for 2 hours and right before I was getting ready to go in and get him, he decided to fall asleep!!
Of course because he isn't getting all the sleep he needs, he is cranky and can't handle any situation that doesn't go his way. He threw a 15 minute fit the other night because Daddy had the audacity to try to take his coat off. Then the very next morning he threw another 15 minute fit because we were so brazen as to think that he should put his coat on! I'm telling you, I will be completely gray before my next birthday!!!
Posted by Allison at 3:34 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
We're Ready...
for winter!Jack kind of dressed himself, at least the accessories. He insisted on wearing his winter hat and his new Lightning McQueen rain boots!
Posted by Allison at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Mischievous Mister Jack has struck again! He decided to "cook" in the kitchen using Milo's dog food and water. He poured all the dog food into a mixing bowl then took another mixing bowl and poured Milo's water into it. Next he took a handful of food and put it in the water and then used an oven mit to stir. At least he helped clean up...
Posted by Allison at 9:36 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
His Future Career
Jack got a hold of our camera last week and he wouldn't let go! Here is a small sampling of his masterpieces.Practicing his art...
Posted by Allison at 1:56 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Its a Love/Hate Relationship
Normally Milo and Jack are the best of friends. Seriously, its quite the love affair. Most days, this is how they are:
Today though, that was not so much the case. We ran errands this morning which included a trip to Petco to buy Milo some dog food. While we were there, we let Jack pick out a new toy for Milo. Jack picked out a cute yellow dog chew toy but unfortunately he fell in love with it and wasn't too keen on the idea of sharing it with Milo. Milo on the other hand was definitely in the mood for sharing.This did NOT make Jack happy...
Posted by Allison at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Ready to hand out candy!
Even though there was a community organized trick-or-treating, we still got a lot of trick-or-treaters at our house (good thing Mommy bought a lot of candy!). Jack was so excited to help out!
Posted by Allison at 9:16 PM 0 comments
Trick or Treat!
Jack discovered that he loves trick or treating and despite not taking a nap, he was in a fantastic mood. On the way to trick or treating Daddy taught Jack a new trick--turn your banana treat bag into hat!
Trick-or-treating in the big city is a little different than how Mommy and Daddy did it growing up in Virginia Beach. Here all the neighborhood stores and restaurants open their doors and the employees dress up to hand out candy. It is truly a unique and memorable thing to experience.Jack got a TON of candy (much to Mommy and Daddy's happiness) and Jack was ecstatic that he made out with so many lollipops (his favorite). He definitely couldn't wait until he got home and actually was on his 4th or 5th by the time we made it there!
Posted by Allison at 8:58 PM 0 comments