Friday, October 31, 2008

Chalk Preschool Halloween Party

Yesterday was the Green Room's Halloween party at Chalk Preschool. What a big milestone--Jack's first school party! It was totally insane with 16 2-year-olds running around all hopped up on sugar but we had a great time.

Here is Jack with his 3 teachers, Miss Celia, Miss Maeve, and Miss Stephanie.

I don't know what those crazy teachers were thinking but they set up a "decorate your own sugar cookie" station and Jack decided to make that his temporary home for the party. With the help of Daddy he put approximately 2 pounds of frosting on his cookie and then poured sprinkles all over it. He then proceeded to slowly lick all the frosting and then eat the cookie.

As if that weren't bad enough, Jack followed up the cookie with a nice big cupcake :)Mommy and Daddy spotted some of Jack's art on the wall--his family tree!