Friday, October 31, 2008
Chalk Preschool Halloween Party
Yesterday was the Green Room's Halloween party at Chalk Preschool. What a big milestone--Jack's first school party! It was totally insane with 16 2-year-olds running around all hopped up on sugar but we had a great time.
Here is Jack with his 3 teachers, Miss Celia, Miss Maeve, and Miss Stephanie.
I don't know what those crazy teachers were thinking but they set up a "decorate your own sugar cookie" station and Jack decided to make that his temporary home for the party. With the help of Daddy he put approximately 2 pounds of frosting on his cookie and then poured sprinkles all over it. He then proceeded to slowly lick all the frosting and then eat the cookie.
As if that weren't bad enough, Jack followed up the cookie with a nice big cupcake :)Mommy and Daddy spotted some of Jack's art on the wall--his family tree!
Posted by Allison at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Roscoe Village Halloween
Today was our neighborhood's Halloween parade and trick-or-treating. Unfortunately Jack slept through the parade portion but we managed to catch the tail-end of trick-or-treating. Here is our little monkey, complete with banana treat bag :)When we stopped at Starbucks along the way, Jack insisted on getting a banana. Appropriate, no?
Jack's very first trick-or-treat!
Monkey and Daddy!
Jack made monkey noises the entire time we walked around and we managed to catch a little bit on video. Apparently he cracks himself up! (Sorry for the poor quality, I used my cell phone)
Posted by Allison at 8:36 PM 0 comments
Jack LOVES pumpkins and points it out whenever he sees one (which is obviously ALL THE TIME!). Unfortunately he can't really say "pumpkin" and it sounds like "poopy"! Today we decorated Jack's "poopy" and turned it into a cat.
Posted by Allison at 8:19 PM 0 comments
"Is there sugar in syrup?"
Remember that scene in "Elf" where Will Ferrell pours maple syrup all over his spaghetti and the mom asks him if he likes sugar? He responds, "Is there sugar in syrup? Then YES!" Well Jack seems to share the same sentiment. He insists on having his syrup to dip his pancakes or waffles instead of having it poured on top. The other day when he had eaten all of his pancakes, he picked up his plate and DRANK the syrup out of the little bowl!!!! Then he looked at me and said "Yummy!"
Posted by Allison at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Pumpkin Patch
We headed over to County Line Orchard in Indiana last weekend to experience fall in all its glory. Now this is no ordinary pumpkin patch--this place is a pumpkin patch on steroids. It has 3 huge parking lots to accommodate the hundreds, maybe thousands, of people that come each day. It has u-pick apple orchards and pumpkins, a kids pumpkin patch, a train, a petting zoo, bee hives, and a huge red barn that houses a store, a restaurant and the donut making facility. That's right, I said donuts--pumpkin glazed and cider donuts to be exact! Mommy and Daddy have been coming to this place as long as they have lived in Chicago and this is the 3rd year that Jack has joined in. This year was so fun because Jack is finally at an age where he really enjoys all the different activities. He was so cute running around from one thing to the next.
Jack loved riding on the "Moo Choo". We specifically picked the "Dairi Queen" cow just for Nana!Jack had a blast riding the John Deere's all over the farm yard. If only his great-grandpa Bud were alive to see it!
Jack was very interested in feeding the goats but was kind of frightened when he actually got close. Instead of giving the hay directly to the goats, he would just lay it close by.
These goats are crazy. They climb way up in the trees across bridges and onto platforms. It is very strange to look up and see a goat standing above you!
Since Jack was afraid of feeding the live goats he opted for feeding the plastic horse instead :)
Jack really has a thing for pumpkins, which he calls "puppy" but it sounds more like "poopy"!
Daddy was using a wheelbarrow to carry our pumpkins and Jack insisted on climbing in for a free ride. He sat there the whole time we picked up pumpkins and paid for them.
The day would not have been complete without sharing a cider donut with Daddy!
Posted by Allison at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Picture People
Mommy has been wanting to take Jack to get professional pictures taken for a while. We haven't done it since Jack was 7 months old and thought it would be nice to have some updated ones in the house that weren't taken by either Mommy or Daddy. A few Saturdays ago, we headed to Picture People and the results are great! Jack was such a ham for the camera and actually started posing. At one point he laid on his stomach, looked over his shoulder at the camera, and said "Cheese"!!! Here are a few of our favorites.
Jack is a going to be a monkey for Halloween and loves to walk around saying "E-e-e-e, o-o-o-0"
He looks so sweet and innocent in these pictures :)
Posted by Allison at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Go Hoos Go!
Here's a little fact: Jack loves UVA. Whenever he see's the UVA "V" he says "Go Hoos Go" and now he adds "touchdown" to it while putting his hands in the air making the touchdown sign. At the game last weekend, he had a blast. He loved the game and watching football but was scared of the marching band and mascot. For some reason he is terrified of people in costumes!
Before the game, we snapped a family pic. Jack was so funny because he made a #1 with his finger and everyone around us starting laughing!
Daddy and Mommy are really hoping they have a future Wahoo on their hands. His t-shirt for the game said "Start 'Em Young, Raise 'Em Right". Couldn't have said it better ourselves!
Posted by Allison at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Up Up and Away
Our flight to Virginia was super exciting for Jack because he is finally at an age where he understands what is going on and he can say "airphane". Mommy made sure she was extra prepared for the flight by packing a special backpack just for Jack. She downloaded Jack's favorite TV show on her Ipod and bought these insanely fun monkey headphones. Jack was in heaven!
Our flight had a short (20 min) layover so we didn't actually have to get off the plane. During those 20 minutes, the flight attendant took Jack to the cockpit to check it out and get a picture. Of course, he had cereal in his mouth so he looks like some sort of circus side-show!
Towards the end of the flight, Jack and Dada decided to get caught up on the crazy stock market by reading the Wall Street Journal...
Posted by Allison at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Thank God He's a Country Boy!
We were home in Charlottesville last weekend and on Friday, while the boys were playing golf, the girls headed out for wine tasting. While at the vineyard, Mama snapped some pictures of Jack running around and checking the place out.
Posted by Allison at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Mama's birthday was 2 weeks ago and Jack decided to get in on the celebration. Nana and Papa sent Mama a big box of presents and Jack wanted to help "unpack".
Man! This is hard work!!!
Posted by Allison at 8:41 PM 0 comments