Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Prisoner of His Own Bed!

This is what happens when you don't listen to Mommy!
Just kidding! In all seriousness, it is what happens when your almost-2-year old learns to crawl out his crib! Jack decided on Friday that he could repeatedly crawl out his crib and that he didn't have to stay in it, no matter how many times Mommy put him back in. The last time he tried to crawl out he was straddling the rail about ready to fall on his head. Mommy and Daddy frantically searched for solutions (frantic would be an understatement considering the babysitter was coming in a few short hours) and finally called the pediatrician to get her opinion about a "crib tent". After getting the thumbs up, Mommy quickly ran to the baby supply store to buy it and install it before having to leave for the evening. Crisis averted!!

On a side note, many people have asked why we didn't just move him into a toddler bed. We honestly don't think Jack is ready for that big step. Maybe in a few months, but not now. This is just another hurdle that comes along with having an insanely tall child :)