Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Jack's vocabulary has expanded to nearly 30 words and he started really associating words with concepts. For example, he repeatedly says "more more more" when he wants more grapes or milk, etc. He also knows that we won't give him anything unless he says "please" so he says "peesh" all the time when asking for something and then immediately follows it by "thank you".
"Hot" was one of his first words and he knows that the microwave, stove, oven and coffee pot are hot. He says "hawt" and puts his hand out to tell us that we shouldn't touch it. He does the same thing over our coffee cups to warn us. Because Daddy drinks coffee basically all day long, Jack says "hot" A LOT! Yesterday Daddy realized just how much coffee he drinks when we were driving to dinner and stopped at a stoplight. All of a sudden Jack started saying "hot hot hot" and pointing out the window. We realized he was pointing to the Starbucks on the corner!!!