Just a few images from Jack's awesome playroom in our new house!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Furniture Diving
I've already talked about Jack's new found hobby of climbing. Well climbing has led to jumping and Jack's new favorite way to pass these bleary Chicago winter days is furniture diving! He stands on the ottoman first....
Then jumps on the chair, landing on his head!
He is quite proud of himself and then does it again (and again and again and again)!
Milo even joined in the fun
Posted by Allison at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Make Way for Jack
Jack loves laundry baskets and feels this overwhelming compulsion to get in one whenever he sees it. It totally doesn't matter if the clothes are clean or dirty, he throws them on the floor and then climbs right in. Mommy managed to catch him in the act!
Posted by Allison at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Follow this story and be inspired!
A friend of mine turned me onto this blog several weeks ago and I have been hooked. It is a story of love, faith, compassion, and unparalleled will power. It is the amazing journey of a 24 year old woman fighting Cystic Fibrosis who was awaiting a double lung transplant when she and her husband Nate discovered they were pregnant. Their beautiful daughter was born 15+ weeks early and both mother and daughter continue to do well. Please read it (especially starting a few weeks ago) and prepare yourself to be completely amazed. I honestly feel that it will give you renewed sense of faith! As a mother, I cannot even imagine what this family has gone through. For those with connections to VA Beach, Nate is originally from there.
Posted by Allison at 10:42 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
A Few Antecdotes
Unfortunately I don't have any pictures to accompany these stories, but I think they will do just fine on their own!
Jack has developed quite a precocious personality and it has gotten him into a bit of trouble the past few days. Jack seems fascinated with my makeup and the other evening when I was getting ready to meet Daddy for dinner, Jack snagged an eyeshadow from the bathroom. I hadn't realized it until he came back into the bedroom with gold eyeshadow all over his lips. Apparently he tried to eat the eyeshadow and ended up with sparkly golden lips! Along the same lines, this morning he took a bottle of nail polish base and managed to get it open and in his mouth. He immediately started blowing raspberries to get the yucky chemical taste off his tongue. Maybe he learned his lesson!
Jack is OBSESSED with pens and markers, both of which he is rarely allowed to play with. Every once in a while, he finds one laying around that we forgot to move out of his reach and then its a mad dash to grab it from him before he does any damage, usually resulting in a humongous cry fest. Well one day Daddy didn't see Jack grab a permanent green Sharpie from the office and before Daddy knew it, Jack had used the nice hard wood floors as his paper!
We saved the best for last--this is a story that we will tell our grandkids! So....yesterday Jack and I dropped Daddy off at work and then headed to the Old Town School of Folk Music for Jack's Spanish Wiggleworms class (basically a music class taught in Spanish). I parked the car then turned around to put Jack's shoes back on (he likes to take his socks and shoes off in the car and play with his feet). While I was doing this Jack took the keys from my hands and started playing with them. I didn't think anything of it and got out of the car and walked to the other side of the car to get Jack out. As I walked around the car I heard "click" and realized Jack had hit the lock button. Frantically I looked into the car and realized that my door was still unlocked so I bolted to the other side and right as my hand touched the door handle, Jack hit the lock button again and completely locked all the doors! He friggin locked himself in the car!!! And to top it off, my cell phone was still in the car. After trying to persuade him to hit the "unlock" button I finally stopped a woman and her daughter walking by and asked to borrow her cell phone. I called Daddy at work and asked him to come save us. He quickly hopped in a cab with the other key and came to the rescue. Jack was completely fine and didn't even know what was going on. In fact, he was having a blast. The nice woman who stopped and offered her cell phone stayed for a few minutes and we repeatedly tried to get Jack to unlock the car. Instead he giggled, waved and taunted us by re-locking the car. When he eventually dropped the keys he went back to removing his shoes and socks and played with his feet until Daddy arrived. What an adventure!!!
Posted by Allison at 9:04 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Booster Seat
We finally bought Jack a booster seat for the kitchen table because he is so insistent about sitting at the grown up table. Jack enjoyed his snack of peaches today in his new seat. He loved it so much that he climbed back in it several times in the afternoon just to sit and relax. At dinner time we realized that Jack is going to have to ease into eating in the booster seat because he took his entire plate of corn and threw it on the ground!
Posted by Allison at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Big Boy Table
As much as we have tried to fight it, Jack is a climber. He takes every opportunity to climb onto the highest thing in a room. The other day Mommy walked into the dining room and found Jack standing in the middle of the dining room table! He also always tries to climb up onto the bar stools. We recently purchased a kitchen table and it has become Jack's new place to hang out. He will just sit there talking to Milo for 15 -20 minutes! This morning Jack and Daddy shared breakfast at the kitchen table and when Mommy walked in they were deeply engaged in baby conversation.
Posted by Allison at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Diaper Boxes
There is something about babies and boxes. No matter how big or small the box, it seems like Jack can find a way in. Because the weather has been so cold and nasty, we have become very creative in ways to keep Jack entertained. It obviously doesn't take much--just a diaper box! Jack crawled in and then shut the sides around himself but he made sure to leave the back flap up so that he had a head rest!
Posted by Allison at 1:08 PM 0 comments
Hard Hat Haircut
On Saturday Jack got another haircut (his 3rd already). The boy's hair grows as fast as Daddy's! While we were waiting for his stylist, Jack played with the toys. He was very excited to put on the hard hat just like Bob the Builder!
Posted by Allison at 1:06 PM 0 comments
He's a Ladies Man!
Jack was in his highchair eating his snack the other day when he noticed something on the counter that he absolutely had to have. Jack's vocabulary is expanding everyday but he still can't ask for something specifically. He just points, whines, and then says "please" until we figure out what it is that he is asking for. Well, it turns out on this particular day Jack wanted to read a magazine. However, it wasn't just any magazine. It was Victoria's Secret Swimsuit catalog!!! He sat in his chair, enjoying his snack, reading his magazine. I think Daddy and Mommy are going to have their hands full when the teenage years roll around!
Posted by Allison at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Snow Boots!
Mommy bought new snow boots to keep her feet warm during the unbearable Chicago winter. Jack was so excited about Mommy's new purchase that he had to try them on for himself. They were so big though that he couldn't move and just stood there laughing and clapping!
Posted by Allison at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Last Pics of Disney (I Promise)
Riding "Its a Small World"Jack and Chyann inside Mickey's house!
Inside Minnie's gazebo. Can you tell that Jack was not overly thrilled?We finally met Mickey on the last day. It wasn't as tragic as meeting Santa Claus, but Jack still did not like it.
Chyann was so excited she didn't want to stop hugging him!
Posted by Allison at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Disney continued
Eating watermelon by the pool. Gotta love Florida's weather!On the boat to Epcot!
Jack and Daddy in front of Spaceship Earth. Jack is such a goofball!
Family pic at Downtown Disney (or as Chyann called it "Down Down Disney")
Sitting on the giant Lego doggy! Jack thought it was real and kept barking at it!
Posted by Allison at 3:36 PM 0 comments
More Disney
Jack going down the slide for the 700 millionth time!
Needless to say, he did NOT like the Mickey earsPlaying African drums at Animal Kingdom
On the safari
Jack and Daddy
Posted by Allison at 3:20 PM 0 comments
We spent New Years in Disney World with Nana, Papa, Uncle Dwayne, Aunt Tricia, and Chyann and we had a blast! Jack loved it all and we can't wait to take him back in a few years. Here are Jack and Chyann in their new sunglasses right before we went to the Magic Kingdom!
Our family pic in front of Cinderella's Castle.
Mommy and Jack rode the Dumbo ride together and Jack liked it as long as we weren't going up and down. He laughed and waved at Daddy below.
A pleasant surprise were all the playgrounds for the little ones to run around. This one was just like the water parks in Chicago, complete with rubber matting and water spouts. Jack and Chyann played forever and had the best time. The temperature was 85 (AMAZING) so the cool water was a welcomed relief for them too!Here we are on the Jungle Cruise. Jack kept waving to all the "animals"
Posted by Allison at 2:53 PM 0 comments
Mommy absolutely loves Chick-fil-a but they are nowhere to be found in Chicago. Therefore, whenever we go home to Virginia Mommy has to get some. When we were visiting Grandpa Ed and Grandma Pam, we spotted a Chickf-fil-a and Jack was able to share in the tasty goodness!
Posted by Allison at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Jack spent his second Christmas at his Nana and Papa's house in Charlottesville and what a special time it was. Here is our family picture in front of the tree before church.
Jack had a ton of fun handing out the traditional present on Christmas Eve--PAJAMAS! For some reason he decided to take his shirt off first!
Jack's favorite Christmas present was his car. He rode all around the house and outside while drinking his milk.
Posted by Allison at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 6, 2008
The Teet!
While in Charlottesville, we made a little trip the Teet (Harris Teeter) and Jack thought it was a fantastic grocery store, probably because he got to ride in the coolest cart EVER!
Posted by Allison at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Jack's First Basketball Game
*Sorry for the lack of postings over the past few weeks. We just returned from our two week trip to Virginia and Disney World and then the boys came down with terrible colds. But we are on the mend and have lots of catching up to do!
While we were home in VA, Jack attended his first UVA basketball game at JPJ Arena. Let me tell you, that place is cool!!! We ate lunch in the Lexus room with Nana and Papa and Uncle Dwayne and Aunt Tricia. When the game started, Jack was shocked to see the fireworks and lasers inside the arena. However, he was just too tired and didn't even make it to the start of the game!
He did, however, manage to wake up half way through the game and was thoroughly intrigued by the sport of basketball. We watched carefully as the players ran back and forth and even clapped when UVA scored. The best part of the whole day was eating "Dippin Dots" though!
Posted by Allison at 9:24 AM 0 comments