Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Littlest Cubbie Bear

Jack went to his very first Cubs game today and he had a blast! He had the full Wrigley experience complete with Cubs gear, a ride on the "L", and a hot dog. The weather was absolutely beautiful and Mommy snapped this great picture of Jack and Daddy waiting for the train.

Jack was so funny on the train. He insisted on standing on Daddy's lap and holding onto the pole just like all the other people on the train.

Jack loved his hot dog and drew the attention of all the fans around us for his Cubs outfit and hot dog eating abilities--he ate the whole thing!

Even though he didn't last the whole game, he did make it to the 6th inning and we were able to get a family shot in the "Friendly Confines" before heading home.

While we were waiting for the train to go home, Daddy was listening to the UVA football game on his XM radio and Jack decided he wanted to get the score too!


Anonymous said...

gosh that cute boy!! who wouldn't swoon over him? just wait till he gets older.
he looks like he had fun. he's such a happy baby (well, except when he's tired, or missing mommy and daddy, or doesn't want to eat...). i miss him so much and i show his pictures to anyone who will sit with me next to a computer.