Here is an extremely small sampling of some of the words Jack can say. What is especially funny is the chant in the middle. When Nana and Papa stayed with Jack while Mommy and Daddy were in Aruba they got Jack very excited about basketball and even got Jack to try to say "Go Hoos Go" while pumping his fists in the air. We hope all you fellow Wahoos out there especially enjoy it.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Go Hoos Go
Posted by Allison at 4:06 PM 1 comments
Do you remember the honkers from "Sesame Street"? Those crazy alien-looking things that would either honk their noses or heads? Well Jack has become semi-obsessed with Sesame Street and particularly a video called "Silly Songs". One of the songs in the video is Old McDonald performed by the honkers. Jack started to imitate them and we actually caught it on video. Enjoy!
Posted by Allison at 3:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Finally a break from the cold!
Yesterday we finally had a break from the bitter temperatures and it was actually a nice day. Its pretty sad when we consider 52 degrees and overcast a nice day! Nonetheless, we headed straight to the park after Jack's nap and he had a blast. He went down the slide approximately 500 times!
Please excuse the poor quality photos. Mommy forgot her camera and had to use her camera phone instead...
Posted by Allison at 4:02 PM 0 comments
Hangin' with Nana and Papa!
Jack spent the past 2 weeks hanging out with Nana and Papa because they were nice enough to stay with him while Mommy and Daddy escaped to Aruba. Jack absolutely adores his Nana and Papa and had a blast playing all kinds of fun games with them. Here are Jack and Nana playing one such game on the couch.Jack loves to give kisses and made sure Papa got his fair share of them!
Here are Jack and Nana at brunch.
After church and brunch Jack was still hungry so he shared his favorite food (GUACAMOLE!) with Daddy and Papa!
Posted by Allison at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Happy Easter!
Jack had so much fun with Easter this year. Mommy loves all holidays and has been dreaming since she was a little girl about having kids to share in her holiday lovin'. Her wish has finally come true and it is so FUN! Before church we "hid" Jack's Easter basket (it was just on the other side of the kitchen island) and he was so excited when he found it. It was filled with all kinds of fun stuff (playdough eggs, crayons, stickers, coloring books, sunglasses and books)!After church we went to our favorite brunch spot--the Peninsula Hotel. They have a fantastic kids section with mini versions of Jack's favorite foods. Here is Daddy showing Jack around.
Nana and Papa were still in town and we took the opportunity to get a great family photo.
After brunch, the Peninsula held an egg hunt for all the little ones. Here is Jack and Daddy following the Easter Bunny to the hunt.
Jack found an egg but he wasn't very excited because the Easter Bunny tried to shake his hand and he freaked out. We all had flashbacks to Jack's encounter with Santa Claus!!!
Posted by Allison at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Easter Eggs!
This year Mommy and Daddy let Jack "color" Easter eggs. We knew that dyeing eggs was out of the question so the best thing we could come up with was markers. Now, Jack is never allowed to play with markers because he likes to color everything except his coloring books so this was a BIG deal. He went right to work...and was concentrating hard...
maybe a little too hard! One of the eggs busted!
Jack wasn't quite sure what to do and seemed a little freaked out. He eventually decided to touch the egg...
and was completely DISGUSTED!!!!!
Posted by Allison at 3:06 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
We're Back!
Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Mommy and Daddy were away on vacation in Aruba celebrating their 5 year anniversary a few months early. They are back now and we are getting re-adjusted. Nana and Papa are still here in Chicago so we should have lots of fun pictures to post after Easter!
Posted by Allison at 2:57 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
Mama Mia!
Mommy and Daddy received a statue as a wedding gift and yesterday Jack suddenly took an interest in it. He picked it up and started saying "Mama Mama" and then cradled it in his arms. He then carried it around and continued to point to the woman in the statue and say "Mama Mama". Today he went into the office where the statue is kept, took it off the desk and then walked out cradling it once again.
I guess there is some resemblance to Mommy and Daddy...
Posted by Allison at 2:43 PM 0 comments
More Jack and Chyann
Seems like these two are pretty inseparable. Jack absolutely adores Chyann and wants to be near her at all times. He follows her around, plays with her toys, and has to sit next to her (if not ON her). Here they are at brunch at Keswick when we were home in VA last weekend.
When they are together,
Posted by Allison at 2:27 PM 0 comments
Jack's Gonna Have a New Cousin!!!
We found out last weekend that come October, Jack will have a new cousin! Mommy's sister Tricia is expecting a baby! We are all soooo excited.
Posted by Allison at 2:12 PM 0 comments